Ledig wall-object seems to shock-freeze a certain image, a movement/expression from the same-titled video installation LEDIG that looks into the alienation of human existence within nature and the world. The wall-object shows the fading footprint that we individually leave behind.
Untauglich wall-objects shock freeze a certain image, a movement/expression from the same-titled video installation UNTAUGLICH that looks into transnationally existing forms of social and/or political constraints, inspired by its German title Untauglich, which means ineligible for military service. In this work the artist observes situations of specific behaviour patterns and lifestyles, he reflects on how suddenly…
The wall-objects have been developed in direct relation to the video installations in the bigger context of the “NO INTERMISSION” series.This body of work addresses cultural patterns and behaviour systems in history and cross-culture. It questions various aspects of symbolisation in context to the human being; how certain items receive iconographical relevance and tend to…