These five minutes cut through some of the projects by ART IN PROCESS. Please be aware that the original works (cross-disciplinary projects with a strong performative character and use of different languages) are mostly around 15 min or longer. This is a brief insight into works that build on a greater context of using language,…
OVERVIEW The project is participatory, will be sited in a space that is open to the public and in a central location. The project aims to inspire social change related to our daily consuming pattern and to get aware of our personal footprint in context to a global situation concerning environmental conditions, which affect people…
ABOUTGlobalisiation and E-communication lead today to connections across the globe, like this 30min artist interview produced by Robert Medrala and Becky Winant, TotalTV, in Philadelphia/USA. The Process: Interview questions have been forwarded to the artist, who video taped himself giving the answers in a media arts studio in Fremantle, Western Australia. The artist also selected…
subnet salzburg platform for media art and experimental technologies project name: SALZBURG_backyard, the AIR project was funded by subnetThe residency led to an exhibition and presentation of work created throughout the time at subnet.Residency: 11th – 31st May, Exhibition dates: 29th May – 12th June 2009, Opening: Thursday 28th May 2009 INTERVENTION – project series 2009 in HD…
This TV interview accompanied an exhibition called ENLIGHTENED at the UWA Club Gallery (The University of Western Australia) in 2007 by GalleryWatch, WTV Perth bello benischauer: home visit and exhibition – spanning work from 2003 to 2007 Wake Up! WA – an artist interview during a breakfast television show in Perth, broadcasted in Western Australia
mona DETROIT/USA International Film & Videofestival 2005 NEW YORKs performance space barbes, Brooklyn USA presents PROJECT X 2005 DIGITAL TRILOGY at the Caught Short TAPgallery SYDNEY/AUS 2005 DIGITAL TRILOGY screened at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra: Sky Lounge 2004 International Exhibition WOMEN’S CITY at the NPAK The Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, ARMENIA 2004 SAN FRANCISCO PERFORMANCE CINEMA SYMPOSIUM shows DIGITAL…
Das Buch besteht derzeit als unveröffentlichtes Manuskript. Diese Seite enthält einige Textauszüge einer Erstüberarbeitung. Kerzenlicht | Die neue Heimat! | Kompromisslos Kerzenlicht! Einsam hält mich das Licht am Leben, doch komme ich zu dir und verlasse mich auf das Dasein in der Zukunft, dieses Leben können wir noch alle für uns selbst gehen und stellen fest, dass es keinen…
Das Buch besteht derzeit als unveröffentlichtes Manuskript. Diese Seite enthält einige Textauszüge einer Erstüberarbeitung. Gutes in der Luft! | Todesangst! | Glauben? | Selbstlüge! | 1. Dalai Lama | Tippi | Lautgedicht! | Lebend! | Lehrling der Steine! | Die Stimme der Stille! | Drittes Auge! | Sutra – Tibet! Gutes in der Luft! Vielleicht…