Untauglich wall-objects shock freeze a certain image, a movement/expression from the same-titled video installation UNTAUGLICH that looks into transnationally existing forms of social and/or political constraints, inspired by its German title Untauglich, which means ineligible for military service. In this work the artist observes situations of specific behaviour patterns and lifestyles, he reflects on how suddenly…
a video installation: under the German title Untauglich, which means ineligible for military service, the artist looks into transnationally existing forms of social and/or political constraints. He addresses certain aspects of how we act and fit/do not fit into the generally expected behaviour patterns of a human life that one finds specifically defined by culturally shaped…
… continues in the style of the EXISTENCE THEATRE, a term growing from a specific style of art performances, created by AIP that question certain aspects and daily banalities of human identity/identities in a globalised world, while depending on a strong experimental character and by using methods of improvisation/action. What do we really know: about…
From the Catalog of the 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA2011 IstanbulThis publication appears on the occasion of the ISEA2011 Istanbul, 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, 14-21 September 2011 © 2011 Leonardo/ISAST, ISEA Foundation, Sabanci, University and Goldsmiths, University of London. All rights reserved. The International Symposium on Electronic Art, a leading world conference and exhibition…
Different headlines are used to document certain activities of our work at large. ARTIST TALKS and EVENTS give insight into specific work in context to national and international projects or exhibitions. With SCHOOL PROJECTS and WORKSHOPS we extend our work-methods to like-minded artists and students of different age groups. Themes of globalisation and multiculturalism are discussed in…
The wall-objects have been developed in direct relation to the video installations in the bigger context of the “NO INTERMISSION” series.This body of work addresses cultural patterns and behaviour systems in history and cross-culture. It questions various aspects of symbolisation in context to the human being; how certain items receive iconographical relevance and tend to…
… continues in the style of the EXISTENCE THEATRE, a term growing from a specific style of art performances, created by AIP that question certain aspects and daily banalities of human identity/identities in a globalised world, while depending on a strong experimental character and by using methods of improvisation/action. What do we really know: about…
The Existence Theatre, which transforms/sets specific aspects of the improvised performance style of the Commedia dell’ arte into a present day perspective, recalls in this particular act (like AIP has done before in previous performances) the usage of the bauta*. The originally separate face-covering object/mask in white has blended now with the human face, which…
… continues in the style of the EXISTENCE THEATRE, a term and performance style, created by AIP that questions certain aspects and daily banalities of human identity/identities. What do we really know: about the world, about others, about ourselves? This performance piece talks about how we miss out to live and how we fail trying to…
INHALT Das Stück bespricht heutige Stereotypen, wiederholt Gesagtes aus dem Alltag und spiegelt gegensätzliche und ungereimte Einstellungen wider. Der Pragmatisierte, der auch der Traumatisierte heißen könnte, stilisiert festgefahrene Lebensumstände, die nicht mehr erlauben, über den Rand eigener Vorstellungen hinauszuwachsen.In vier Szenen werden einem Der bessere Staat, Das staatliche Zuhause, Der Traumstaat und Das Staatsdrama vor…
ALL ARTWORK IS THE COURTESY OF ART IN PROCESS for Video Installations by © ART IN PROCESS | All rights reserved $ 3000,- for one video work plus the purchase of the according DVD or Blu-ray and Books available through BLOOMSBURY VIDEO LIBRARY, is home to a rich, growing range of streaming collections for students, teachers and researchers across…
cross-border and beyond bello benischauer and ART IN PROCESS until 2011 chronological work review & philosophical reflectionschronologische werkübersicht & philosophische betrachtungen by elisabeth m eitelberger available for purchasing or email: benischauer@artinprocess.com