not quite kosher | SixPack | ASAGSO | DIGITAL COMPOSITION | manipulated | PROJECT X | DIGITAL TRILOGY | Maybe It!s Only… Imagine! ART IN PROCESS is represented by BLOOMSBURY VIDEO LIBRARY, is home to a rich, growing range of streaming collections for students, teachers and researchers across the arts, humanities and social sciences. EMOTIONAL…
video installation: a female artist-identification with different face changes through Plastic Surgery in relation to the myths of beauty terms by eLISABETH m eITELBERGER …was taking part in the International Exhibition WOMEN’S CITYat the NPAK(The Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art) Yerevan, ARMENIAfrom 10 to 25 June 2004 curators Heriqnaz Galstyan, Arpine Tokmajyan, Narine Zolyan…
Course description Get to know how to work with video and new media from filming to the endproduction of a DVD with a strong focus on the creative process. The artistic video as a form of theraphy/teaching to discuss the crossing of barriers, working with different issues (integration, identity problems, multiculturalism). Learning outcome By the…
Das ONLINE BOOK PERFEKT von bello benischauer ist eine von möglichen Antworten auf diese Zeit; eine Darstellung der perfekten Welt. Es ist die Natur, die wir scheints verdrängt haben und die uns nicht mehr wichtig genug zu sein scheint, sie in tägliches Tun zu integrieren. Der Wettlauf mit der Zeit und ein sich ständiges Messen an…
His work in digital video and performance was a key to the symposium’s international scope, and proved exemplary as to how a multiplicity of approaches to the new art of performance cinema provides a deeper understanding of many aspects of performance cinema – form, content, political, global, etc. Henry Warwick, curator SFPCS San Francisco Performance…
Merkula | Kulamak | Ambero | Samola | Bamkua – galvanised steel The series of sculptures is called “add”. The individual objects are connected to the painted cycle “Cycle A-Z“, started in 2002. The whole cycle (including the wall-objects and the sculptures) is a discussion about a new world’s creation. In the paintings and the sculptures silver is…
Exhibition Signs of Existence 31.Jan – 09.Feb, 2003 at the MOORES BUILDING Contemporary Art Gallery / Fremantle / Australia
Online contentThe author does not take any responsibility for the actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims of substantial and non-material damages against the author cannot be made if they were caused by using or not using the provided information or through the usage of wrong and incomplete information, but only…
Exhibition Maybe It´s Only Imagine 19.Jul – 11.Aug, 2002 at the Gallery NÖFA/WELS/AUSTRIA PROJECT DESCRIPTION This art project is an examination of dreams and reality by focussing on the forms and colours of nature. Human beings have attempted to control, reorganise, and mark nature with signs of their presence: Collecting, conserving, disrupting and interpreting. In this project…
mona DETROIT/USA International Film & Videofestival 2005 NEW YORKs performance space barbes, Brooklyn USA presents PROJECT X 2005 DIGITAL TRILOGY at the Caught Short TAPgallery SYDNEY/AUS 2005 DIGITAL TRILOGY screened at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra: Sky Lounge 2004 International Exhibition WOMEN’S CITY at the NPAK The Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, ARMENIA 2004 SAN FRANCISCO PERFORMANCE CINEMA SYMPOSIUM shows DIGITAL…
Jazz only
These lino cuts originate in drawings, created in Vienna’s most famous Jazz Club during a concert night. The series has two main themes: one shows different musical instruments typically used by jazz musicians; the other displays flowers, symbolising the flow of inspirations initiated by the jazz tunes.