Signs of investigation in nine parts is inspired by controversive discussions about signs from outer space in corn fields around the globe… like a photographic illustration, a passion for detail, nearly a scientific reception: discovering forms and structures, built and designed by mankind… from a distant view; details: a riverbed, desert roads, grass that blows in…
video/sound installation, developed during a trip to Austria and in relation to the project Identical City, part of Culture Shock- detach The feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture. Detached from your country of origin; a stranger to your family, as they don’t know who has become of…
… created in connection to the unknown Renaissance painting called „The Perfect City“ around Piero della Francesca (approx.1475), which addresses the Central Perspective of city buildings without showing any inhabitants. 21st century: What does identity in times of a global union mean? (concerning western countries) What does culture mean in a city itself? Last but…
… deals with questions about nature and human beings, showing how the fragments and remains of pre-existing life forms become the starting point of new creation. Where do we come from? How far are we prepared to go? The urge to take control of nature, genetic engineering and searching for an overall answer are the…
A story about the discoveries of an alien being (called Blind Queen) sent to earth to investigate human life. A philosophical view on things around us in Western Society in English and German. Aphoristic talk about world and inner experiences based on a text by AIP: from birth to growing up, from reproduction to death. The…