… our doubts… are like a gate… that we have to walk through… every single day… If we breath calmly and connect with space… emotionally, we can manage to keep our wariness at bay… dreams are men’s elixir of life… FRÖNEND (German for the word “indulging”) is a video triptych in the style of the…
SUEX is an installation consisting of four videos in relation to four different sound compositions. Basis is an aphorism by AIP in 16 sequences. The text is translated into Hebrew, Japanese and Noongar (language of Indigenous Australians, southwest corner of Western Australia).The text was recorded in each language, building the main sound. The four videos…
SUSTAINABILITY & EXTINCTION – audio-visual installation in four parts The project reflects on urgent matters concerning our lifestyle, throwaway society and cultura intolerance/ignorance. It discusses in which directions the world will possibly develop, which relationships/communities are about to be created in context to different perceptions of environmental sustainability and climate change. What does it mean to…
This is an artistic identification with human existence and how we sometimes feel dislocated. The installation plays with the body’s limitations of movement and sets the human body in confrontation to artificial life form that extends human abilities to move. EXILe questions how we try to recreate, recharge and how we deal with the world around us. Body…
published in ARTECH 2008, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Arts by Alvaro Barbosa (Editor), School of Arts, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal 2008, ISBN: 978-989-95776-3-3 Abstract — This paper is about the aesthetic, conceptual and technical aspects of the work by new media artist bello benischauer (Australia/Austria) and specifically about his project SUEX, a four-wall…
in collaboration with GRAHAM BRADDY, AVI HARPAZ, TIM McCABE (Australia) and SORA TAKAYAMA (Japan) English-06’40 min, Hebrew-06’40 min, Japanese-06’40 min, and Noongar-05’30 min Blu-ray distributed and available through BLOOMSBURY VIDEO LIBRARY, is home to a rich, growing range of streaming collections for students, teachers and researchers across the arts, humanities and social sciences. our-wall installation, black walls:…
This work shows the human being as an alienated and remote-controlled figure that strolls through shopping malls and finds itself exposed to nature and a world based on urban areas, traffic and mass media. The human being starts to float, losing individualism and independence. The body of the main animated figure in Asagao is covered by…
A story about the discoveries of an alien being (called Blind Queen) sent to earth to investigate human life. A philosophical view on things around us in Western Society in English and German. Aphoristic talk about world and inner experiences based on a text by AIP: from birth to growing up, from reproduction to death. The…