Everything I have is what I can give too: the red, most important piece/part of my life, the most precious thing, life as such, the family as ultimate entity or even more, a mystic kind of human treasure. The red piece of self-referred human existence, which in fact is unknown to us all, we still…
UNCONSCIOUSNESS_EXPERIMENTS project series 2011 – based on multiple performance components: surveying culturally different but also alike actions and reactions of societal behaviour patterns in front of the camera The project series 2011 is based on multiple components of improvised and live performances. How do we fit into a society, into a group, into this world? Questioning our…
Everything I have is what I can give too: the red, most important piece/part of my life, the most precious thing, life as such, the family as ultimate entity or even more, a mystic kind of human treasure. The red piece of self-referred human existence, which in fact is unknown to us all, we still…
UNCONSCIOUSNESS_EXPERIMENTS project series 2011 – based on multiple performance components: surveying culturally different but also alike actions and reactions of societal behaviour patterns in front of the camera The project series 2011 is based on multiple components of improvised and live performances. How do we fit into a society, into a group, into this world? Questioning our…
component of UNCONSCIOUSNESS project series 2011 Groteske, überspitzte Alltagssituationen in einzelnen Szenen, die scheints alltägliche Begebenheiten besprechen. Es gibt keine durchgehende Handlung, aber durchaus Zusammenhänge und Verknüpfungen. Die Szenen wurden aus dem Stegreif improvisiert. Man traf sich zu einzelnen Szenen, die Kostümierung wurde nicht abgesprochen und der Inhalt ergab sich aus der jeweiligen Performance vor…
UNCONSCIOUSNESS_EXPERIMENTS project series 2011 – based on multiple performance components: surveying culturally different but also alike actions and reactions of societal behaviour patterns in front of the camera The project series 2011 is based on multiple components of improvised and live performances. How do we fit into a society, into a group, into this world? Questioning our…