CURATORIAL | VIDEO | PHOTOS It critically questions a global unfolding of uprooted identification with tradition and ritual and how this shapes today’s people and the individual.This recently written and highly topical piece by Existence Theatre is a philosophical examination about culture and humanity. It depicts how the phenomenon of war uses fear evoking behaviours to feed destructive forces…
Z6QCQ6 Code of Rituals
a story about rituals and connectedness – written, directed, video and sound by bello benischauer ABOUT THE PIECE: The king has died. The law demands that Troja the queen needs to be sacrificed to the gods. Movement, dance, dramatic enactment, video and sound, poignant and engaging. A timeley reflection on how people connect and share their feelings.…
a postmodern fairytale about destiny – written, directed, video and sound by bello benischauer ABOUT THE PIECEHarness your imagination! Fear meets truth, and social isolation confronts you with the darker side of mythical creatures. Don’t be fooled by what you see, as something else lurks behind you already. And what you hear is not necessarily what…
Label. Stigma. Separation. Family Secrets. Hurt: The past cannot be denied. This video gives insight into STORMWATER, a contemporary play about gender equality, diversity and cultural tolerance. Two people in love, brother and sister, face the accusation of incest within their own family. A whole new world of societal boundaries evolves. Four protagonists dared to…
Fears and anxieties are according to research and media reports on the increase in our society, and the discussion of “where does emotional/verbal/physical abuse really start” reaches new hights. It leaves us with a lot of questions of how to actually deal with other people sensibly enough. The piece explores which struggles we face in…
Based on four different female characters, who speak in their text lines about the complexity of gender linked to identity, social interaction, power and oppression; about the interaction of gender with other things like race, class, culture, religion, sexuality and consumerism. In monologues, as separated beings, they give insight into their contradicting but daily routines.…
Returning to WA after successful productions overseas the EXISTENCE THEATRE (AUS/AT) invites you to immerse yourself in emotionally guided situations that comment on the many secrets that we hold on to. In this not to be missed performance boundaries between performers and audience collapse. Three characters touch on issues concerning their own gender, expressing how…
The genre of the hotel occurs in many theatre plays, novels and films. With the Existence Theatre we approach this topic performatively and interact with our audience by trying to reach different levels of perception. We simulate situations in a hotel, a location, where we meet other individuals/strangers and hear their voices. While intentionally or…
Performative play in five scenes for seven performers: autumn in 2242. Everything that exists is already history and there are visions of a morning, which is somehow already there, individually but differently, because everyone has his own ideas about tomorrow. Transcultural entity connects the many worlds of view and life styles of people around the globe.…
household space, also relating to one’s own or a particular country apart from other countries, indigenous to or produced or made within one’s own country; not foreign; native, no longer wild; also as a pattern of behaviour, which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting. ENGLISH | GERMAN | PERFORMANCES | VIDEOS | PHOTOS ENGLISH Elisabeth Eitelberger as…
english: REVIVING THE IMAGINATION Do we really connect with our inner selves, others and our surroundings and to which extent? At which point get self-critical explorations just an ordinary habit and is the everyday judgemental behaviour of others our entertainment and diversion, so that we must not take a closer look and can ignore our…
Text by bello benischauer & Performance by elisabeth m eitelberger .. From the start to the finish picturing my life…To grow and rise… And breathe in the air of passion… In my hand an abstract expression of communication… I have to recharge my phone… Only you, the flower and the tree… Two million sold… There has…