EIN SICH STÄNDIG NEU ERFINDEN in unterschiedlichen Umgebungen: der Workshop in der Brunnenpassage diente dazu, das Existence Theatre neu Interessierten zugänglich zu machen. ZUNGEN SCHREIEN – Ausdruck durch Sprache KÖRPER DÜRFEN – Gefühle durch Bewegung MENSCHEN BEGEGNEN – Freiheit durch Vielfalt Durch improvisiertes Experimentieren kann etwas entstehen, das es während des Prozesses zu entdecken gilt.…
Performative play in five scenes for seven performers: autumn in 2242. Everything that exists is already history and there are visions of a morning, which is somehow already there, individually but differently, because everyone has his own ideas about tomorrow. Transcultural entity connects the many worlds of view and life styles of people around the globe.…
household space, also relating to one’s own or a particular country apart from other countries, indigenous to or produced or made within one’s own country; not foreign; native, no longer wild; also as a pattern of behaviour, which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting. ENGLISH | GERMAN | PERFORMANCES | VIDEOS | PHOTOS ENGLISH Elisabeth Eitelberger as…
As artists we play around with the imagination of some and the interpretation of others. Leaving enough room for contemplation, different images may occur to different persons. With this performance lecture we tried to demonstrate how to create a moment of interaction between people (of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds) as a snap-shot in time,…
PICA (Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts) residency 2015 THE PREVENTION: LOCATING MODERN IDENTITY with a Temporary Ensemble Working on a creative process in the studio and in some of Perth’s public locations, for further development of the Existence Theatre practice during a residency at PICA from 16 February to 8 April 2015 WORK PROCESS | PERFORMANCE TEXT | PHOTOS |…
ENGLISH below | VIDEOS | EINSICHT | PHOTOS | SPANISH&FRENCH | Performance text for a Temporary Ensemble Eine Auftragsarbeit für das 24. Internationale SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE Theaterfestival für ein junges Publikum ÜBERLAUF basiert auf einem abstrakten Performancetext in deutscher Sprache von bello benischauer, der ins Englische, Französische und Spanische übersetzt wurde und in Form von Sprechakten…
The first public screening took place at the Jaffa Room in Perth on 28 Feb 2014 The Changing Role of Women in the LA Profession – initiated and independently funded by Greg Grabasch – a film by bello benischauer ‘Let’s have an AILA Women in Landscape Architecture Award’? This question was initially posed mid 2011 at…
Some reflections concerning the Open Studio Day, 10 November 2013 This year we showed some of the video installations that we have recently developed in relation to our EXISTENCE THEATRE method. The individual pieces play with understanding the symbolic meaning of cultural places/objects, how we use language/movement to tell a story and how we individually react to…
STÖRUNGEN (Disturbances) by bello benischauer three live performances/interventions in public space at the Swizz Performance Art Festival PERFORM NOW! in Winterthur, Switzerland, 3 to 6 October 2013 with a Performance Lecture at the accompanying Symposium TRANS:SCRIPT – Kunsthalle Winterthur. Artistic idea (original text in German): People tell each other liesand spread the news onto the…
Performance Lecture: Existence Theatre by ART IN PROCESS at TRANS:SCRIPT (Symposium, during PERFORM NOW#3 Festival, Winterthur, Switzerland) on 3 October 2013, Kunsthalle Winterthur An introduction about the Existence Theatre method by ART IN PROCESS was given by using a one page summary for an improvised voice work. This was performed simultaneously by different people, who translated…
ENGLISH below | VIDEOS | PHOTOS GERMAN sozialkulturelle Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum AM ANFANG STEHT DIE PROJEKTIDEE: wenn in einem gewässer kalte und warme tiefen zusammenkommen wenn das schnelle und das langsame einen ausgleich finden wenn lebensqualität und arbeit sich vereinen wenn das grün in ein grau fließen soll beginnen menschliche Gedanken in verschiedensten Arten zu harmonieren…
Reflections by Elisabeth about the Open Studio Day 2012 The question was: How do we shape and transform a space within an existing space? Besides horrible weather conditions a great number of visitors came to see the studios at the Old Custom’s House on Sunday 4Nov 2012. In our Studio 37, Bello was introducing people…