Course description
Get to know how to work with video and new media from filming to the endproduction of a DVD with a strong focus on the creative process. The artistic video as a form of theraphy/teaching to discuss the crossing of barriers, working with different issues (integration, identity problems, multiculturalism).
Learning outcome
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- discuss theoretical requirements of filming process
- have knowledge about the use of video camera and various computer programs
- discuss a certain theme by developing own video projects
- address aesthetical issues about filming and video making
- work with video and new medis on their own
- create a DVD
ART IN PROCESS – creative video workshops address boundaries, mergers, fusions and crossovers of the worldwide movement of people/cultures and the hybrid of cultures and their habitats (sociologically spoken). What means identity in times of the union of various nations, what does culture mean in a country itself, last but not least: has the single person something like a deep understanding, a cultural consciousness Out of the accumulation of different cultures evolves a picture of singularity that wants to end in the plurality. This is globally creating a virtual consciousness of a world culture, which roots in the small. All these aspects can lead to very interesting video-projects that are based on cultural crossovers. And the main question of the projects: How do we react personally in certain situations?
- Besides the sociological-creative part you will be able to deal with diverse computer programs used for filming and editing process. The sessions will be about a connection of theory and praxis as follows:
Expositorial Part (short tuitions):
- Introducing the Camera
- Apple eMac Introduction (theoretical) / Mac OSX Operation System
- iMovie, quick view: iTunes, iPhoto, iDVD
- capturing Video in iMovie
- rough Editing, Backup-Tapes
- iMovie with example Footage
- iMovie Backup´s / Hard Drive, Dada DVD; or to Tape
- encoding mpeg1/2, get film ready for output
- Sound, iTunes MP3
- iDVD
- Sound Importing/Exporting, iTunes, (bring your own music/CD)
- iPhoto, importing Photos from camera, using it in different applications
- variable: Layout + Printing (DVD-Cover and Label / Powerpoint, Indesign, Photoshop
Participative Part / Hands on:
- BRAINSTORMING ˆ STORYBOARD (theme discussions)
- Filming / Cutting / working on single projects (2-3 people) in small group Developing project:
- Creating an art_DVD with single projects PROPOSED FORMAT / TIMES
- Variable / the workshop can also address a selected part!!!