Bello’s sound compositions form a crucial part of the Existence Theatre productions, with which he leads the performances live on stage in relation to the performers’ actions. He composes sound files from recorded sounds in natural habitats, urban noises, voices, … and transforms them using various electronic instruments. He takes a great interest in relating physical movement to sound and in which ways cultural specifics contribute to people’s diverse reactions, when they get invited to move to a certain soundscape. Through numerous practical explorations he studies the significance of sound, its influence on people’s reaction and to which extent sound can be used in his performance work to trigger a break down of emotional barriers between people in general and transcultural contexts especially.

Bello Benischauer the core performer of EXISTHEMUENS (Existence Theatre Music Ensemble) invite other musicians and vocalists to join them for individual concerts, projects and recordings. Their collaboration builds a bridge between Australian and European Free Jazz and Experimental Music by exploring existentially relevant themes. Listen into #01PROGRESSION (presented at the Old Customs House Fremantle during FRINGEWORLD 2021). Recent recordings can be found on Soundcloud.